June 19, 2019

The importance of good adhesion

Het belang van goede hechting

The importance of good adhesion

The importance of secure attachment in children is receiving increasing attention. Good thing, too! At Kideo we think it is very important that children can bond well. A securely attached child is healthier, happier and has both feet firmly on the ground. 

What is secure attachment?

By secure attachment we mean the relationship between children and their parents and caregivers. The relationship starts during pregnancy. Parent and child can then make contact with each other. At birth, the attachment relationship receives an enormous boost due to the hormone oxytocin. Subsequently, both hormones and instincts of parent and child ensure a healthy bond. A child who is healthily attached is socially and emotionally stronger!

Child-teacher ratio at Kideo

The Childcare Innovation and Quality Act (IKK) has been in force since January 2018. Secure attachment is a very important topic in this regard. Precisely because of this law, we at Kideo Childcare have adjusted the child-teacher ratio for the group of 0-1 year olds. Previously, this ratio was 1 to 4, or 1 teacher to 4 children. Now that is 1 in 3. A child in childcare also sees a maximum number of different faces per week. Our group division is aimed at creating the healthiest possible environment for the children. At Kideo we recognize that healthy attachment is the foundation for the rest of our children's lives. The book 'The first 1000 days' by Tessa Roseboom provides solid scientific support for this fact. It describes how important this foundation is for the development of children's autonomy and health in later life.

Coaching about healthy attachment

In our view, the family is the basis for healthy attachment. As co-educators, we try to create an optimal, homely atmosphere for the children. All Babyhuis pedagogical staff recently followed a course on the subject of attachment with birth coach Leonie Winkel. Among other things, we learned how important conscious one-on-one moments are for each child in the group.

Interaction and bonding

Interaction is important for healthy attachment. A newborn baby is already trying to communicate with its caregivers. Your child tries to explain everything to you through body language, eye contact and crying behavior.

One-on-one contact

At Kideo we work from the vision of Emmi Pikler . We try to pay undivided attention to the children during one-on-one contact. And we tell the child, no matter how young it is, what we are going to do. The quality of sensitive responsiveness is important here. By sensitive responsiveness we mean how an educator or co-educator responds to the child's behavior. And also how the child interprets this behavior and what reaction it gives. We have also, as you can read in our previous blog, started carrying babies . The sling is a quiet, safe and low-stimulus environment. The babies enjoy, discover the world and can relax! In addition to carrying, conscious physical contact also ensures healthy attachment. For example, caregiver and child produce the happiness hormone oxytocin during a baby massage. At Kideo we are aware of the importance of secure attachment. We ensure an optimal situation and act accordingly. We talk, carry, hug and enjoy all the beautiful children. Together we work on a solid foundation. That is important for now and especially for the future!