Each child is assigned a mentor in each Kideo group. The mentor is a pedagogical employee who works in the child's group. The mentor is the point of contact for the parents to discuss the development and well-being of the child. Daniël, former member of the Kideo Assen Parent Committee , shares his experience with his daughter's mentor in this blog.
Guidance per group
“My daughter has completed her adventure at Kideo. She is now in primary school, but I can mainly remember her time at Kideo through the transitions to the different groups. This was always due to the people who guided her in her growth. It can sometimes be quite exciting for a child to switch to a different group, especially if things are also quite changeable at home.
My daughter had a little brother, moved and went to the next group at Kideo. I was glad that a mentor was involved, who saw that she was having a hard time with this. With this person she learned that she can really express herself. The mentor also gave us as parents advice and tips. However, the mentor did this in such an accessible manner that it did not come across as unsolicited advice or as interference with education. Active contact was made and maintained with us as parents and therefore the message was very clear. in this case the tip was very simple. The effect, however, was miraculous. Speech therapy made her easier to understand, which gave her more self-confidence and made her able to say more. A great example of a positive cycle. Now she can't stop talking enthusiastically.
Even during the Corona time and during the choice of a primary school, we noticed that this mentor kept a close eye on her development. This also became very clear when we received a nice report in which we recognized the growth and development very well.
The surprises weren't over yet. Unfortunately, a proper farewell was not possible during the lockdown. Two supervisors did not let that happen and decided to come by one day as a surprise for her. She was so very happy to see her supervisors again. They turned out to have a folder with all kinds of works from her adventure on Kideo that we had never seen before. A great folder with all kinds of gems from her development.
They are only young for such a short time
The mentor focuses on the child's development and monitors it closely. Kideo has really noticed how these professionals approach this with its employees. As a tip for other parents, have a conversation (perhaps now digitally about the app) with the mentor. This can give you so many wonderful new memories about your child. As the cliché sometimes sounds, they are only young for such a short time. Take that opportunity to receive memories from the mentor that you will never forget.”
Knowing more?
In this podcast, Daniël, together with Hanna, tells more about the parent committee .